Saturday 4 June 2016

Some important Web links for all Housewives

Women has several roles to play all through her life, beginning from her childhood as a daughter to her old age as a wife, mother and a responsible family member.
Women are employed in best ever statistics is not a new-fangled phenomenon but with a change in the state of affairs and dwellings. But in coming across their new responsibilities along with the responsibilities for family they should not forget themselves and their desires. You have the revolutionary discovery called internet at your finger tip. It feels great pleasure to highlight some of the most needed websites for womanhood.

Working Mother: This is a Working Mother magazine featuring articles on the connexion of motherhood and professional life.

Work It Mom: A community and blog for working mothers to share their experiences with each other.

In order to keep her family healthy a woman needs to first stay healthy herself.

Women Fitness: website aimed at improving women’s nutrition and activity levels. 

Healthy Women: Informative website for women on all health, medical and blustery lifestyle articles.

Woman’s Day: Women’s magazines on the newsstand and the updates followed by the website featuring content with inclination towards recipes and home life.

Style: Vogue’s online website for fashion news, landing field shows, trendy drifts of each season, designers and industrial pokes and titbits. We all have wastes in our store rooms. Why not use them for house décor in a trendy way. Do-it-yourself decorating offers a complete makeover of your home with DIY accents at an economical budget. This site serves with a complete guide, tutorials, and step-by-step photos for indoor and outdoor DIY projects.

Babble: This a website offering a huge community for new parents with advice, recipes, news and resources along with an amusing blog called Stroller derby.

Food Gawker: This is a mouth-watering website offering you grand food recipes. But if you are crazy for Indian food you must try out the following website: This is a free website serving for many years with the more than 15000 mouth-watering Indian dishes, seasonal dishes and mind blowing desserts.

If you are keen learner and still have the enthu to learn. The following websites will the serve you as a torch bearer to your better career.

Coursera: This website provides you with free access to millions of free internet classes on any topic under one roof.

Charles Sturt University
 This is an Australia based university offering free online courses. You just have register yourself and then get started. They will provide you with free YouTube lectures and at the end after passing an online you are eligible to get the certificate.